Watson Healthy Foundations is excited to announce its inaugural baby shower on April 22nd from 4-7pm at the Missoula Food Bank and Community Center!

Our Healthy Foundations program conducts 500+ home visits annually with families that recently had an infant or are expecting. Healthy Foundations staff not only coaches parents, but also connect them to community resources such as food banks, rent assistance programs, or services that help people escape domestic violence. The program is a lifeline to the families they serve, but the truth is that the need in our community amongst families with infants is higher than ever.

Watson Healthy Foundations is eager to meet this need head-on by hosting this inaugural Community Baby Shower. This event will be open to all expecting families or those with newborns. The sad reality is that not all are afforded the chance to have a baby shower, let alone have easy access to the baby essentials gifted at showers. Let’s change that.

This Community Baby Shower is a monumental opportunity to equip so many expecting families in Missoula for success in their parenting journeys- and we need the support from the Missoula community to maximize its impact. Please help us spread the word about the shower so that families in-need are aware, and interested Missoulians can donate baby supplies to make the shower a riveting success!

If you are interested in donating shower supplies, you can bring diapers, clothes, toys, or anything baby-related to our Buckhouse Shelter (4978 Buckhouse Lane) from 9-5pm Monday-Friday. If you are interested in donating money towards the Community Baby Shower fund, you can do so right below!

If you have any questions at all about the Shower, please contact Community Relations & Fundraising Specialist Andrew Vashchenko at (720) 320-0866 or at andrew@shelter4children.com.